Landmark Border Security Bill Led by Tennessee’s Mark Green Passes House


Landmark Border Security Bill Led by Tennessee’s Mark Green Passes House

Chairman Green Helps Craft Border Security Portion of H.R. 2 That Deals with Personnel, Technology, and Border Infrastructure

WASHINGTON—Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) was the architect behind the border security portion of this bill. After marking up the bill for sixteen hours, H.R. 2 advanced out of Committee and to the House Floor, where it successfully passed today. Chairman Green and Tennessee leaders released the following statements following the bill’s passage: 

Chairman Green said, “The passage of the Secure the Border Act signals to Senate Democrats and the Biden administration that House Republicans are serious about solving this crisis. H.R. 2 is the solution Tennesseans need. It will protect our communities from fentanyl, bolster Border Patrol’s effectiveness, and address the flow of illegal immigration. I’m proud of the Homeland Security Committee’s diligent work to craft 1/3 of this legislation, including portions on personnel, technology, and border infrastructure after discussions with border communities and frontline law enforcement. H.R. 2 is a serious legislative solution to a crippling humanitarian and national security crisis.”

Chairman Green continued, “One of the most important byproducts of our Secure the Border Ac tis defeating the cartels by cutting off their source of income. The Biden administration’s open border policies have enriched these criminals; House Republicans are saying enough is enough. Over the past 26 months, the Biden administration has released millions of illegal aliens into the country, and Title 42 comes to an end, things are about to get much worse. That’s why the time to pass new border security measures is now. This legislation will secure the border, help end human trafficking, and bleed drug cartels dry. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to take up this legislation immediately.”

“The rule of law is indispensable for America’s success and prosperity. Unfortunately, this president has turned a blind eye to the lawlessness happening on our U.S.-Mexico border. As a result, we are in the middle of a humanitarian and immigration crisis unlike one our country has ever seen. Fortunately, Chairman Mark Green and Reps. Jordan and McCaul have introduced H.R. 2 that will, among other things, help institute much needed order to stop illegal immigration into our country. On behalf of millions of Latinos living in the U.S. and in Tennessee who support both legal immigration and a secure border, we thank Chairman Green for his leadership on this critical issue for our country. The House should approve this legislation without delay.” Raul Lopez, Executive Director for Latinos for Tennessee

“I commend Chairman Green’s efforts to stop the flow of fentanyl into our communities. I, like everyone here in Tennessee, want safe communities—we aren’t getting that under this administration. The Secure the Border Act is the tangible solution we need to ensure the safety of Tennesseans and Americans alike. This isn’t about partisan games. H.R. 2 is a sensible and effective piece of legislation that supports the men and women on the frontlines of the border crisis.” Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson

“I’m deeply concerned about the flow of illicit drugs into our communities nationwide. Back home in Tennessee, we know the key to strong families and prosperous neighborhoods is health. Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for young Americans—directly hurting the wellbeing of our constituents. As physicians, Rep. Green and I understand firsthand the dangers of fentanyl. I’m glad to support H.R. 2 because it’s a commonsense bill that supports personnel at the border and chokes off fentanyl in Tennessee.” Mayor Ken Moore, Franklin, Tennessee

“I support the Secure the Border Act 100%. All states have become border states. The increase in the drug flow is out of hand. To those who may think this policy hurts illegal aliens—it protects them. Often, the illegal aliens suffer internal crimes and abuse because they will not reach out to local law enforcement for help because of their perceived status. Now that’s a crime!” Sheriff Tim Eads, Dickson County

Background: The legislation will: 

  • Force the Biden administration to restart construction of the border wall.
  • Deploy technology to the Southwest and northern border.
  • Increase the number of Border Patrol agents and provide bonus pay.
  • Require transparency regarding the number of illegal crossings from the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Strengthen current law to protect unaccompanied children from human trafficking.
  • End catch and release.
  • End abuse of executive immigration authority.
  • Strengthen and streamline the asylum process.

Read the bill text here

Read a summary here

Read what leaders across Tennessee are saying here


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