Kustoff Urges Future Administration to Crack Down on Violent Crime

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) introduced a bicameral concurrent Resolution that recognizes the success of the Trump Administration's Operation Legend. The resolution also urges the future presidential administration to consider instituting a similar policy for cities still struggling with violent crime.

In the summer of 2020, in the wake of a surge in violent crime throughout several of America’s largest cities, U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr launched Operation Legend, a collaboration between state and local law enforcement to fight violent crime. The initiative was tremendously successful, resulting in over 6,000 arrests and led to the seizure of over 2,600 illegal firearms and over 17 kilos of fentanyl. 

"I was glad to introduce this resolution in the House of Representatives to highlight the success of Operation Legend," said Congressman Kustoff. "One month after its implementation in Memphis, 106 people were arrested on new state and federal charges. Sadly, the Biden Administration terminated this program. As a result, crime in Memphis, and in other major cities across the country, has skyrocketed. I urge my colleagues to support this commonsense resolution that will urge the next administration to crack down on crime, support law enforcement, and prioritize the safety of our communities."

“Operation Legend was launched in the summer of 2020 to combat rising violent crime by surging federal law enforcement resources into ten of the Nation’s most violent cities to help local police target the most violent offenders and get them off the streets. The program was a resounding success, resulting in over 6,000 arrests, including nearly 500 arrests for homicide, and resulting in the seizures of over 2,600 illegal firearms and over 17 kilograms of fentanyl. I applaud the efforts of Senator Blackburn and Congressman Kustoff to continue the fight for victims and their families, spurring on the effective approach of targeting directly the most violent offenders,”said former U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

"Working together is how we stop violent crime. The partnership of federal and state law enforcement at the heart of Operation Legend protected the public and ensured that violent criminals stayed locked up. I commend Senator Blackburn and Congressman Kustoff for promoting federal and state cooperation to fight crime and keep Tennesseans safe," said Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti. 

"The outstanding national and local results of Operation Legend in Memphis undoubtedly saved lives. Despite rising violent crime rates in 2020, because of Operation Legend, trigger-pullers, drug traffickers, gang members, and violent offenders went to prison, law enforcement was energized, and the public was better protected. As a former U.S. Attorney himself, Congressman Kustoff understands the importance of effective public safety policies, and I commend him for this resolution that calls for a future return to the proven techniques of the Operation Legend Task Force model that provided targeted prosecution, robust law enforcement intelligence and coordination, critical federal resources, and better public safety outcomes in Memphis," said D. Michael Dunavant, former United States Attorney, Western District of Tennessee, 2017-2021.

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced the companion resolution in the Senate.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kustoff.house.gov/media/press-releases/kustoff-urges-future-administration-crack-down-violent-crime