Kustoff Resolution Condemning Antisemitism Passed House of Representatives

— Today, Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) and Congressman Max Miller's (R-OH) resolution to condemn and denounce antisemitism in the United States and around the world passed the United States House of Representatives with bipartisan support. 

Congressman Kustoff spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives about his resolution. Click here to watch his remarks or read them as prepared below:
I rise today in support of this resolution that strongly condemns the drastic rise of antisemitism both here in our nation and abroad. 

Last week, I had the privilege and honor of speaking with Amir Ohana, Speaker of the Knesset. We discussed a lot of things. We talked about how since Hamas’ horrific and brutal terrorist attack against Israelis on October 7, 2023, life has changed not only in Israel but around the world.

We also talked about how we have seen an explosion, an absolute explosion, of antisemitic incidents, attacks, and harassment, in Israel, here in our own nation, and across the world.

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), since Hamas’ massacre on October 7th, antisemitic incidents around this nation have increased nearly 400% compared to the same period last year. 

More Jews were murdered on October 7th than on any other single day since the Holocaust. Let that sink in. 

We have even seen members of this very body repeat blatantly antisemitic rhetoric and spread lies about Israel and her right to exist. 

Let me be absolutely clear: such hate has no place in the halls of Congress nor our national discourse.

It is our fundamental responsibility as leaders and Members of Congress to condemn and fight these horrific acts of hate and discrimination against the Jewish community.

That is why I am proud to work with my colleague Congressman Max Miller to introduce this critical resolution to condemn and denounce all instances of domestic and global antisemitism.

A few months ago, I had the opportunity, really the privilege, to take a group of people through the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. A little over a mile away from where we are standing, the museum serves not only as a reminder of the atrocities that took place during the Holocaust, but also as a stark reminder that we can never forget the horrors of the Holocaust and that we as leaders have an obligation and a duty to make sure it never happens again.

For these reasons, I urge all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this simple yet critical resolution. It is essential we send a clear and firm message to the world that the United States House of Representatives stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jewish community here in the United States and abroad.

As Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah, we should remember the words of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, “Hanukkah tells us not to curse the darkness, but instead to bring light to the world. It tells us to fight back and not to be afraid.” 

We should truly heed those words. Thank you to my colleagues for supporting this resolution. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kustoff.house.gov/media/press-releases/kustoff-resolution-condemning-antisemitism-passed-house-representatives