Kustoff, Lawler Bill to Combat Antisemitism on Campuses Passes House

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) joined Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) to introduce the bipartisan, H.R. 6090, the Antisemitism Awareness Act. This bill will require the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism and its contemporary examples when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws. 

The Antisemitism Awareness Act passed the House of Representatives today by a vote of 320-91. Congressman Kustoff spoke on the floor in favor of this bill.

Click here to watch his remarks or read them as prepared below:
I rise today in support of the Antisemitism Awareness Act. 

We all know that since Hamas’ brutal and barbaric attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, we have seen an explosion of antisemitic attacks and violence, especially on our college and university campuses.

There is no doubt that the free exchange of ideas is a crucial pillar of our freedom, but there is also no doubt that the conversations must be grounded in truth and respect for one another.

Leadership at institutions of higher learning across our nation have allowed these anti-Israel protests and antisemitic protests to descend into absolute chaos. 

And, ultimately, they have failed to support Jewish students.

Such hatred has no place in our society. 

By clearly defining antisemitism, the Antisemitism Awareness Act will help the Department of Education better enforce federal anti-discrimination laws. 

This bill will, for the first time, codify protections for Jewish students who are and have been subject to antisemitic harassment, intimidation, and violence.

It is imperative that ALL students feel safe on their campuses.

As such, I urge this body to pass this critical legislation and do what university leaders will not do: condemn these acts of hatred and support Jewish students across the country. 

I was proud to join my colleague, Rep. Mike Lawler, in introducing this legislation, and I look forward to voting for it today. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kustoff.house.gov/media/press-releases/kustoff-lawler-bill-combat-antisemitism-campuses-passes-house