House Passes Rep. Rose’s Amendment to Protect Safety of United States and Hold China Accountable

Washington, DC—Today,H.R. 185, which would end the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for foreign travelers. Rep. Rose’s amendment, which was supported by Chairwoman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), clarifies that no changes will be made to the order issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that requires negative COVID-19 tests or proof of recovery from COVID-19 for travelers coming from the Peoples Republic of China.

The amendment, which you can read here, passed the House with bipartisan support 426-8 and was included in the final passage of the bill, which passed 227-201 and now heads to the Senate.

U.S. Rep. John Rose (TN-06) released the following statement:

“I am glad the House could agree that China must be held accountable for their adversarial and all-too-often nefarious actions, especially regarding their country’s COVID-19 crisis,” said Rep. Rose. “We can’t trust the Chinese government to be transparent and honest about the scope of their Covid crisis, which is why we must take appropriate precautions. I’m proud my amendment ensures we take those precautions and don’t fall asleep at the wheel.”

Watch Rep. Rose’s remarks on the House Floor here.

Watch Rep. Rose’s remarks testifying in the Rules Committee here.

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