House Passes Five of Rep. Green’s NDAA Amendments


House Passes Five of Rep. Green’s NDAA Amendments 

WASHINGTON—Today, the House of Representatives passed the House’s Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included five amendments introduced by Rep. Mark Green. 

On his SCREEN Act amendment, Rep. Green said: Keeping Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda out of our films is paramount. My amendment will prevent studios that allow the CCP to censor their films from accessing federal assistance during production. Tax dollars should never support films that allow the CCP to dictate their content.” 

On his amendment to keep Chinese-made goods out of military base exchanges, Rep. Green stated: “Our servicemembers should never have to choose between supporting the CCP and not getting the supplies they need on post. Allowing our greatest adversary to sell goods on our military posts is unconscionable. My amendment fixes this problem. Products made under the conditions of slave labor within Communist China have no place at our military installations.”

On his amendment to require the Pentagon to study National Guard Cyber capabilities, he said: “As Communist China grows increasingly aggressive, we must ensure our National Guardsmen have the tools to keep their states and communities safe. My amendment requires the Department of Defense to report to Congress on how to give our National Guardsmen what they need to push back against the CCP’s espionage and cyber warfare. 

On his amendment to maintain subterranean training capabilities for our military special operators, he stated: “As our adversaries continue to grow stronger, we must ensure that our military maintains a strategic advantage over those who wish to do us harm. The passage of my amendment will continue to give our Special Operations Forces the training required to keep a strategic advantage over our adversaries.”

On his amendment establishing a Special Operations Forces (SOF)“With the rise of Putin and the Chinese Communist Party, the House of Representatives recognizes the need for bolstering our alliance with Poland. The people of Poland are no strangers to living under both communist and authoritarian rule. Establishing a Special Operations Forces exchange program is a major step in strengthening our alliance and military readiness with Poland.”


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