House passes Burchett-backed bill to protect speech from government interference

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Mar. 10, 2023) – The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 140, the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act

The Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act would expressly prohibit federal employees from censoring lawful speech. The bill prohibits agency employees from using their official authority or resources to influence or pressure a private sector platform to censor, remove, suppress, or restrict any lawful speech posted on its platform by a person or entity. 

“This was an easy move and I'm proud to have co-sponsored it” said Rep. Burchett. “It's a shame we even have to vote on a bill to keep the government from stepping on our First Amendment rights. This administration has weaponized almost every federal agency against the American people and it has to stop."

The full text of the Protecting Speech from Government Interference is available here

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