House advances bill creating accessible voting process for blind Tennesseans

The House on Wednesday advanced legislation that will improve access to voting for people with vision impairment. 

House Bill 2293, also known as the Print Disability Absentee Voting Act, creates a process for an accessible electronically-delivered ballot to be delivered to Tennesseans with print disabilities, which are impairments that affect a person’s ability to read, write, and use printed materials.

“Voting shouldn’t be a burden on any citizen with a disability,” said bill sponsor State Rep. Elaine Davis, R-Knoxville. “This legislation preserves election integrity while providing an accessible ballot for blind Tennesseans to securely and privately cast their ballots.”

House Bill 2293 requires the coordinator of elections to create an application for print-disabled Tennesseans to request an electronically-delivered ballot. An application link would be located on the Tennessee Secretary of State’s website for voters to submit requests. The bill does not allow the use of an electronic or digital signature.

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