Honoring the USS Tennessee on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

On the morning of December 7, 1941, the USS Tennessee was docked along Battleship Row in
the port of Pearl Harbor. Although it sustained minor damages, it went on to serve its country
throughout World War II.

The USS Tennessee is just one part of Tennessee’s rich history, but it is worthy of our reflection
and remembrance. Its resilience and legacy remind us of the ultimate sacrifice made by the men
and women who fought to protect the freedoms we enjoy and the role that Tennesseans have
always played in serving our country.

USS Tennessee Quick Facts:

  • The construction of the USS Tennessee began in 1917.
  • At 8:20 a.m. in Pearl Harbor, the ship was hit by Japanese bombers twice, but neither bomb
    detonated properly.
  • It was one of the few battleships that was able to return fire against the Japanese throughout the
  • The ship returned to service in 1942 when it joined the USS Hornet to assist in the invasion of
  • In 1943, it was moved to Alaska, where it successfully supported the Aleutian Islands
  • In 1944, it took part in the Battle of Leyte alongside other battleships that survived the Pearl
    Harbor attacks. This battle is considered one of the largest naval battles in history and secured a
    crucial victory for the Allies in the Philippines.
  • After being delisted in 1959, the ship was sold to the Bethlehem Steel Company.

To learn more or to schedule a visit to see the artifacts from the USS Tennessee in person, please
visit the Museum of Scott County’s website.

Additional Resources:



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://tnhousegop.org/honoring-the-uss-tennessee-on-pearl-harbor-remembrance-day/