Harshbarger's Book Donation Serves Unicoi County Well

First District Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger showed real dedication to her elected position this month in service to her constituents.

Harshbarger and her staff set aside materials from the Library of Congress’ surplus book program for the Unicoi County Public Library and paid to have boxes of them shipped to the library. She then brought two more boxes of books with her to Erwin when she stopped by to present the needed supplies.

Library Director Morgan Olson said Harshbarger and her staff were a pleasure to work with. Olson sifted through piles of books set aside in the congresswoman’s office in Washington, D.C., then a staff member escorted her to a Library of Congress storage area to choose a few more.

Olson said the donated books were a big help to the rural library, which is traditionally underfunded and searching for ways to stretch its allocated budget.

We’ve been critical of Harshbarger’s job performance in the past, but she impressed us this time.

It was good to see a national politician personally doing ground-level work for the people she represents.

It’s additionally encouraging to see the congresswoman so visibly support education when many of our public institutions — libraries, grade schools and universities — are facing attacks from cultural extremists.

We appreciate these good deeds from Congresswoman Harshbarger and would like to see more like this from her in the future.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/in-the-news/harshbargers-book-donation-serves-unicoi-county-well