Harshbarger visits Rogersville with updates from Washington D.C

Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger visited Rogersville last week to update the community on her work in Washington D.C. including proposed bills for lower energy cost and border security.

The event, which was held at the Rogersville American Legion Post 21, also included special ceremony of appreciation for local veterans who received a pin and a certificate from Harshbarger.

“People are concerned about Washington,” Harshbarger said. “And they need help with personal issues too. I get emails all the time. This office will help you. But I don’t know if you don’t ask me.”

Victor Slazos of Hawkins County, who served in the Air Force for 24 years, emailed Harshbarger himself.

Slazos told the Review, “I am a veteran fighting to get a few dollars. I am disabled with a medical condition and having a lot of problems trying to collect disability. She (Harshbarger) answered me herself. She is now trying to help me.”

Harshbarger handed out pins and certificates to veterans and thanked them for their service. She told the audience our veterans deserve more including pay raises for active duty military now. She mentioned that the Vietnam veterans never received a proper welcome home.

“All veterans are appreciated,” Harshbarger said.

Harshbarger has introduced 19 bills including HR1 which passed.

“HR1 is for lower energy cost,” she said. “We need to become energy independent as an exporter. It is a security risk to rely on foreign imports.”

“And we have the HR2 bill, border control, which has now passed the senate,” she added. “The cartel controls the border. Illegal smuggling is a 13 billion dollar a year business. We have 85,000 unaccompanied children here and the cartel knows where. This is a national security threat. Over 300 have already been caught coming in on the terrorist watch list and we do have sleeper cells, I believe.”

Harshbarger added, “I have been to the border more times than Joe Biden. Fear motivates. Close the border or close the government.”

Harshbarger: “We could be next without a secure border. This is the bible belt and I am a southern baptist. You have to stand firm with your allies. We have to take care of our own citizens first. We are already 34 trillion dollars in debt. Before funding Ukraine, we need to protect our own border. We are fighting for you over reckless spending. Social Security is at an all time low, meaning it is the lowest now ever to be contributed to. You have to stand your ground.”

Harshbarger has introduced 19 bills including HR1 which passed.

“HR1 is for lower energy cost,” she said. “We need to become energy independent as an exporter. It is a security risk to rely on foreign imports.”

“And we have the HR2 bill, border control, which has now passed the senate,” she added. “The cartel controls the border. Illegal smuggling is a 13 billion dollar a year business. We have 85,000 unaccompanied children here and the cartel knows where. This is a national security threat. Over 300 have already been caught coming in on the terrorist watch list and we do have sleeper cells, I believe.”

Harshbarger added, “I have been to the border more times than Joe Biden. Fear motivates. Close the border or close the government.”

Harshbarger: “We could be next without a secure border. This is the bible belt and I am a southern baptist. You have to stand firm with your allies. We have to take care of our own citizens first. We are already 34 trillion dollars in debt. Before funding Ukraine, we need to protect our own border. We are fighting for you over reckless spending. Social Security is at an all time low, meaning it is the lowest now ever to be contributed to. You have to stand your ground.”

Harshbarger told the audience that she is also pushing for Real Identification cards for voting to keep free and fair elections with in person voting as well.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/in-the-news/harshbarger-visits-rogersville-updates-washington-dc