Harshbarger Says Trump Booking a 'Travesty'

KINGSPORT – U.S. Rep. Diana Harshbarger, R-1st, said Friday that the booking of former President Donald Trump in the Fulton County jail is a “travesty” and constitutes “election interference.”

“They’re doing everything they can to keep that man from being the nominee,” Harshbarger said.

Harshbarger made the comments after holding a “Conversations with Your Congresswoman” event at the Kingsport Academic Village. The congresswoman spent more than an hour speaking to constituents and answering questions.

The event came just hours after Trump surrendered himself to authorities to face charges in Georgia for election interference during the 2020 election. He faces four different probes with more than 90 charges brought against him.

Harshbarger said it is the Democrats weaponizing legal action against Trump.

“They feel threatened, they are that threatened,” she said. “They’ll go to any extreme to keep him out.”

More than 100 people attended the Congresswoman’s event.

She spoke for half an hour about the legislation and events that congress has handled over the last several months. She touched on what she sees as the weaponization of the Department of Justice, illegal drugs crossing the Mexican border and influence of China on the United States.

Harshbarger touched on Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy leading an impeachment inquiry on President Joe Biden. She said the reason the impeachment hasn’t come yet was because evidence was still being gathered.

“They have built a case and they are still building a case,” she said.

But she said evidence is there.

“The difference is in the impeachment before is they impeached Trump without any evidence,” Harshbarger said. “They could. They had the numbers.”

She also touched on U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Kentucky, bringing a bill to the House floor that would abolish the U.S. Department of Education. She said the bill did not pass and some in her party did not vote yes to get rid of the federal department.

Harshbarger said that is because too many, even in her own party, worry about the next election.

“Who gives a crap?” she asked. “Excuse my language. Now you’re seeing I’m getting a righteous anger. That’s exactly where we need to be. We need to get to a point in this country where we have a righteous anger and say, ‘No more.’ ”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/in-the-news/harshbarger-says-trump-booking-travesty-0