Harshbarger Reintroduces Bill to Stop Sending Taxpayer Dollars to China

Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger recently reintroduced the No Taxpayer Dollars for Communist China COVID Tests Act, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to purchase COVID-19 test kits from companies affiliated with Communist China.

Harshbarger is joined by Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) in support of this legislation, who is leading the charge in the Senate.

Earlier this year, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it would purchase $600 million in COVID-19 test kits from 12 companies, with the implication that all 12 companies were American.

Upon further investigation, it was found that some of these companies had foreign ownership, and at least one is a Chinese company - likely under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party.

In November, Congresswoman Harshbarger and Senator Scott sent a letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, urging HHS and the Biden administration to stop using federal funds to purchase COVID-19 test kits from companies with ties to Communist China.

This legislation builds upon this letter, and would support American manufacturing and prevent hard-earned taxpayer dollars from being sent overseas to our adversaries.

“Instead of investing in American jobs and manufacturing, Joe Biden has again betrayed Americans by sending their hard-earned tax dollars to the creators of COVID-19,” said Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger. “The Biden administration’s COVID-19 policies continue to fail our country, years after the pandemic has ended. Our government has a duty to support American companies, not empower our adversaries such as the Chinese Communist Party. This common-sense legislation will protect the American Taxpayer, promote American manufacturing, and end the Biden administration’s policy of bowing to China.”

“There is absolutely no reason that this administration should be buying COVID tests made in Communist China instead of working with American manufacturers to support domestic production," said Senator Rick Scott. "I have been clear that we need to stop giving Communist China our money and buy American-made. Unfortunately, instead of supporting American manufacturing, the Biden administration is again bowing to a murderous communist regime and handing hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to CCP-controlled companies in Communist China. The Biden administration’s willingness to fund the Communist Chinese economy, instead of the American economy, is a disgrace.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/in-the-news/harshbarger-reintroduces-bill-stop-sending-taxpayer-dollars-china