Harshbarger Office Makes Book Delivery to East Tennessee Schools, Libraries

KINGSPORT, TN - This week, staff from the office of U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger (TN-01) visited schools and libraries throughout East Tennessee to deliver books in partnership with the Library of Congress' Surplus Books Program.

"Fostering success for our students throughout East Tennessee is a cause I deeply value," said Congresswoman Harshbarger. "The U.S. Library of Congress Surplus Books Program, led by Joe Mahar and his colleagues, is a blessing for schools across Tennessee's First Congressional District, and I thank them for their continued assistance in our effort to foster a love for reading among our youth. Through the continued communication of librarians throughout East Tennessee, my office had an opportunity to play a modest role in cultivating a creative learning environment for our future generation."

Background: Library of Congress Surplus Books Program

The Office of Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger has delivered thousands of books throughout East Tennessee, fulfilling requests from libraries, schools, non-profits, and qualifying early childhood and senior centers.

Eligibility requirements include one of the following:

  • Full­time, tax­ supported or non-profit educational institution: school, school system, library, childcare or early learning center, college, university, or museum as a few examples.
  • Agency of local, state, or federal government.

For more information or to sign up your organization, visit: https://harshbarger.house.gov/book-surplus

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/press-releases/harshbarger-office-makes-book-delivery-east-tennessee-schools-libraries