Harshbarger Office Makes Book Delivery to Baileyton Elementary

About: Baileyton Elementary School

The surplus book donation on behalf of Rep. Harshbarger's office will support filling the shelves of Bailey Elementary's library, assisting the school in their mission to promote intellectual curiosity and foster academic achievement in each of their students. Opening it's doors in 1963, Baileyton Elementary School enrolls approximately 400 students, pairing a friendly atmosphere with a commitment to education.

Baileyton Elementary prides itself on its commitment to better each student and their success. Read more about Baileyton Elementary School here.

Background: Library of Congress Surplus Books Program

The Office of Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger has delivered thousands of books throughout East Tennessee, fulfilling requests from libraries, schools, non-profits, and qualifying early childhood and senior centers.

Eligibility requirements include one of the following:

  • Full­time, tax­ supported or non-profit educational institution: school, school system, library, childcare or early learning center, college, university, or museum as a few examples.
  • Agency of local, state, or federal government.

For more information or to sign up your organization, visit: https://harshbarger.house.gov/book-surplus

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