Harshbarger holds town hall-style meeting at Carson-Newman

U.S. Rep. Diana Harshbarger, R-Tenn., hosted a town hall-style event on Thursday, February 22 in Jefferson City at Carson Newman University, which was attended by constituents who were interested about the Congresswoman’s business in Washington.

Harshbarger discussed a wide range of topics, including her work to expand rural broadband and wireless internet, expand access to rural healthcare, curb out-of-control government spending, secure the southern border and support for Israel.

Harshbarger recently introduced two pieces of legislation related to rural broadband expansion; the 5G Upgrade Act (last year) and the Wireless Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act.

The congresswoman answered questions from constituents for the majority of the event, with the concerns of constituents focused on the economy/inflation and illegal immigration/opioid crisis.

Prior to the event, Harshbarger honored several veterans, including veterans who served during the Vietnam War.

Additionally, students from Jefferson County High School attended the event as a field trip, and Jefferson County High School’s Color Guard participated in the event as well.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/in-the-news/harshbarger-holds-town-hall-style-meeting-carson-newman