Harshbarger Delivers Books to First Tennessee Human Resource Agency

Johnson City, TN.- On Monday, February 13th, U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger (TN-01) visited the First Tennessee Human Resource Agency (FTHRA) to deliver book donations from the U.S. Library of Congress Surplus Books Program. The FTHRA is among the 91 schools and qualifying organizations that have signed up with her office to receive book donations to help support the learning needs and reading pleasures of our local communities they serve.

Where: First Tennessee Human Resource Agency

What: The First Tennessee Human Resource Agency (FTHRA) provides transportation, nutritional services, adult day services, senior employment, and homemaker services. They also organize and operate a local Meals on Wheels Program to provide meals for seniors in need.

Who: Congresswoman Harshbarger delivered donated books to Executive Director Jason Cody, Director of Operations Kevin Whalen, Board of Directors Chair Kevin Morrison, and FTHRA staff for senior programs.

"The First Tennessee Human Resource Agency provides invaluable support to our East Tennessee seniors, helping those in need of transportation, reliable meals, and employment. It was a pleasure to help the FTHRA get books into the hands of our local seniors with donations from the Library of Congress," -Congresswoman Harshbarger.

Background: Library of Congress Surplus Books Program

The Office of Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger has delivered nearly a THOUSAND books throughout East Tennessee, fulfilling requests from libraries, schools, non-profits, and qualifying early childhood and senior centers.

Eligibility requirements include one of the following:

  • Full­time, tax­ supported or non-profit educational institution: school, school system, library, childcare or early learning center, college, university, or museum as a few examples.
  • Agency of local, state, or federal government.

For more information or to sign up your organization, visit:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/press-releases/harshbarger-delivers-books-first-tennessee-human-resource-agency