Greg "Gravy" Coker, former Special Operations Helicopter Pilot, joins Rep. Burchett on Tennessee Talks

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., (July 28, 2023) – On the latest episode of Tennessee Talks, Greg "Gravy" Coker, former AH-6 Little Bird helicopter pilot and member of the 160th Special Operations Helicopter unit, joined Rep. Tim Burchett (TN-02) to talk about his time serving in the United States Army during operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. 

“I owe everything except my salvation to our men and women in uniform like Greg Coker,” said Rep. Burchett. "He's honest about what he's seen and has dedicated a lot of his time to helping veterans since he's left the Army. That means a lot in my book." 

Greg Coker served 22 years in the U.S. Army, 15 years as an AH-6 “Little Bird” attack helicopter instructor pilot who was in the Army’s only Special Operations Helicopter unit, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. He was responsible for planning and executing special operations missions in support of our nation’s most elite special operations units. Greg owns Shield 91 where he provides all aspects of firearms training, tactical planning, and emergency response operations. Greg also developed a school safety and security program “Not on My Watch” that ensures safety of our children and faculty, which has been implemented in Texas and other states.

“Gravy” recently finished writing a book, "Death Waits in the Dark — Six Guns Don’t Miss" the story of a special operations attack helicopter pilot who flew with the renowned 160th Special Operations Regiment (Airborne), and the bond that is forged during combat. 

Episodes of Tennessee Talks are available on the show’s official website, Rep. Burchett’s official YouTube channel, and the following streaming services: 

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