Green Re-Introduces Bill to Kick Communist China out of Hollywood


Green Re-Introduces Bill to Kick Communist China out of Hollywood

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green re-introduced the Stopping Communist Regimes from Engaging in Edits Now Act (SCREEN Act), which discourages Hollywood from bowing to Beijing censorship. 

“Since I introduced the SCREEN Act in the 117th Congress, the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) escalated attempts to censor free speech in the United States. The CCP will not make our film industry an arm of its propaganda machine.

One bright spot in Hollywood is the way Paramount stood up to the CCP when asked to censor Top Gun: Maverick. Now, this film has been nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars and was the highest grossing domestic release of 2022. We need more studios willing to put Beijing in its place. My legislation will create the incentive for more Hollywood studios to take a stand against Communist China. 

Many high budget films rely on help from the U.S. government for filming and technical assistance; with my legislation, this assistance will no longer be available if these studios kowtow to Beijing. American studios shouldn’t be creating CCP propaganda and if they choose to do so, they shouldn’t be receiving help from the U.S. government to do it. 

It’s intolerable to think that Hollywood would allow their films to be dictated by a foreign regime. My SCREEN Act counters the CCP’s blatant attack on our values by demanding transparency and accountability,” said Congressman Green.

Details on the SCREEN Act:

1.  Prevents the federal government from assisting studios in Hollywood with the production of a film if that film is co-produced by a Chinese company.

2.  Requires film companies receiving production assistance from the Department of State to report to Congress previous films that have been substantially edited by the Chinese Communist Party and then bans the federal government from assisting these studios if they have edited a film for the CCP. 

3.  Ensures Hollywood studios provide written agreements pledging not to censor their own films at the request of the CCP prior to receiving any technical assistance or access to assets from the Department of State.

Read the bill text here.


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