General Assembly passes bill prioritizing dual-enrolled students in TCAT applications

The General Assembly this week unanimously approved a bill to prioritize dual-enrolled high school students in Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCAT) applications.

House Bill 1923, sponsored by State Rep. Ed Butler, R-Rickman, will reserve slots for students at the same TCAT in which they were dual-enrolled immediately following their last term if there is available space.

“This bill helps students who worked hard in their respective programs to continue their education and training at our excellent colleges of applied technology,” Butler said. “The state has already invested in students dual-enrolled in TCAT programs and helping them get slots after high school graduation builds on that investment. Ensuring all Tennessee students have ample opportunity to achieve success in higher education will improve our state’s skilled workforce.” 

House Bill 1923 allows TCATs to create deadlines for when a student must declare their intent to enroll. If there is no available space, the TCAT would be required to give dual-enrolled students priority when it becomes available.

There are 24 TCATs across the state offering more than 70 occupational programs. House Bill 1923 now heads to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk to be signed into law.

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