Fleischmann Votes to Denounce President Biden’s Open Border Policies

Washington, DC – Today, Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03) released the following statement after voting to pass H. Res. 957, which denounces President Biden’s open border policies that have created one of the worst humanitarian and national security crises in American history and urges the president to end his open border policies and secure the border.

“Since the day he took office, President Biden and his Administration have relentlessly undermined and destroyed all forms of security at our borders. The result has been the worst humanitarian and national security crisis in our country’s history. Over 6.7 million illegal aliens have crossed our southern border, fentanyl and other deadly drugs are poisoning innocent Americans, human traffickers and cartels are empowered, and hundreds of individuals on the terrorist watchlist have been stopped trying to cross our borders.”

“Americans want secure borders and safety – not open borders and chaos. President Biden must act now to reverse his harmful, Far Left open border policies that have made every state, including Tennessee, into a border state.”

15 Examples of the Biden Administration Intentionally Undermining Border Security:

  • Jan. 20, 2021: President Biden terminated the National Emergency at the Southwest border (Proclamation 9844), thereby halting emergency construction of a border wall.
  • Jan. 20, 2021: President Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) further entrenching the unlawful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, incentivizing illegal aliens to come to the US.
  • Jan. 20, 2021: The Administration issued an Executive action ending limitations and restrictions against immigration from certain countries associated with terrorism.
  • Feb. 6, 2021: Secretary of State Antony Blinken suspended and began termination procedures for the Trump Administration’s Asylum Cooperative Agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
  • Apr. 30, 2021: The Biden Administration canceled further wall construction, which was being led by the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Sep. 24, 2021: The Administration falsely accused Border Patrol agents on horseback in Del Rio, Texas, of whipping aliens at the border. In fact, DHS Secretary Mayorkas knew the claim was false, and even though the agents were exonerated in July 2022, the Administration proposed punishment for the agents.
  • Oct. 8, 2021: DHS canceled another group of border wall contracts led by DHS related to the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley Border Sectors.
  • Oct. 29, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas terminated the Migrant Protection Protocols (known as “MPP” or “Remain in Mexico”).
  • Apr. 1, 2022: The Biden Administration announced intent to end Title 42.
  • Dec. 13, 2022: The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the State of Arizona in order to force Arizona to remove shipping containers placed to close gaps in the border wall.
  • Mar. 25, 2023: Despite record numbers of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border, the Biden Administration proposed cutting detention beds by 25 percent as part of its Fiscal Year 2024 budget request.
  • Apr. 13, 2023: The Biden Administration announced DACA recipients would be eligible for Obamacare benefits and Medicaid, giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens, further incentivizing illegal immigration.
  • Apr. 27, 2023: The State Department and DHS announced plans to end Title 42.
  • May 11, 2023: The Biden Administration terminated the use of Title 42 policy expulsion authority.
  • July 24, 2023: The Biden Department of Justice sued the State of Texas to remove newly placed floating barriers in the Rio Grande River.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://fleischmann.house.gov/media/press-releases/fleischmann-votes-to-denounce-president-biden-s-open-border-policies