Fleischmann Receives Distinguished Leadership Award from the United States Nuclear Industry Council

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03) received the United States Nuclear Industry Council’s (USNIC) prestigious Distinguished Leadership Award for his almost 13 years of vigorous advocacy for advancing America’s nuclear preeminence. Congressman Fleischmann was the only Member of Congress in both the House of Representatives and Senate to receive this high honor.

“I am honored to receive the USNIC’s Distinguished Leadership Award. Since coming to Congress in 2011, I have made it one of my top priorities to keep America the world leader in nuclear technologies and advance nuclear power, research, and technologies throughout our great nation. I am proud that because of my efforts to increase funding and support from Congress for all things nuclear, we are seeing breakthroughs in nuclear fusion, cancer-curing isotopes, safer and more effective advanced nuclear power reactors, and unlocking the mysteries of the atom.”

“As a Tennessean and Representative for Tennessee’s Third Congressional District, I am especially proud to have made East Tennessee the number one place in the U.S. for advancements in new nuclear. It’s one of my proudest accomplishments that I have built the strong Chattanooga-Oak Ridge partnership that is developing not only new nuclear technology and research but also advancing state-of-the-art technologies like quantum and supercomputing.”

“As Chairman of the Energy and Water Subcommittee of Appropriations, I am very aware of the unbelievable efforts taking place coast-to-coast from Oak Ridge, Tennessee to Hanford, Washington to Los Alamos, New Mexico to Long Island, New York. I’m proud to be the champion for America’s entire nuclear sector from sea to shining sea. The Energy and Water bill that I have written will advance our nuclear industry, make America safer, and ensure we do not fall behind in developing new nuclear technologies and sciences.”

“I am committed that I will do everything in my power to be the strongest advocate for strengthening America’s nuclear leadership here at home and abroad. Our great nation was the first to fully harness the power of the atom 80 years ago, and the United States must continue to lead the way.”

“It is an honor to be the only Member of Congress to receive this Distinguished Leadership Award. I will do my utmost to continue leading America’s nuclear renaissance and push my colleagues in Congress and the government to support our nation’s nuclear industry.”


  • Rep. Fleischmann is the Chairman of the Energy and Water Subcommittee of Appropriations, which funds America’s entire nuclear portfolio.
  • In addition to Chairing the Energy and Water Subcommittee, Rep. Fleischmann is also the Chairman of the Fusion Energy Caucus, National Labs Caucus, Advanced Nuclear Caucus, Nuclear Security Working Group, Spent Nuclear Fuel Solutions Caucus, and the Nuclear Cleanup Caucus.
  • Under Chairman Fleischmann’s leadership, investment in America’s national labs has increased by tens of billions of dollars, allowing advancements in new nuclear research, technologies, and breakthroughs to take place.
  • Congressman Fleischmann is well-recognized as the leading Member of Congress in both the House and Senate advancing America’s nuclear industry.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://fleischmann.house.gov/media/press-releases/fleischmann-receives-distinguished-leadership-award-from-the-united-states-nuclear-industry-council