Fleischmann Co-Leads Bipartisan National Commitment to Support Nuclear Energy

Washington, DC – Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03)Co-Chairman of the Advanced Nuclear Caucus and Fusion Energy Caucus, helped introduce a bipartisan resolution expressing Congress’ commitment to embracing and accepting nuclear power as a clean baseload energy source to achieve a reliable, secure, and green electric grid.

The text of the resolution can be found here.

“Nuclear power is essential to reach our clean energy goals and secure energy independence. Since coming to Congress, I’ve been excited to see growing bipartisan support to invest in nuclear energy. America needs a robust domestic nuclear sector for our national security, energy security, and for future generations to have access to abundant, cheap, clean energy,” said Rep. Fleischmann. “I am proud to join this resolution showing Congress' strong support for nuclear power. Only by working together, in a bipartisan way, can we grow America's nuclear energy sector.”

“As Vice Chair of the Advanced Nuclear Caucus and a staunch advocate for advancing nuclear energy, I am proud to introduce the on a bipartisan basis," said Rep. Donalds. "Despite nuclear energy’s distorted polarization on Capitol Hill, this is one of the few public policy issues that has the potential to unite the 118th Congress. Coupled with the current unprecedented nuclear momentum occurring within state legislatures, it is time for the federal government to officially commit to embracing and accepting nuclear power to achieve a reliable, secure, and green electric grid. The intent of this bipartisan national nuclear commitment is to provide assurance to industry stakeholders that nuclear power will be part of our nation’s energy future, and I want to thank my colleagues for supporting this effort to restore America's energy dominance.”

“If we are going to meet our climate goals, it is imperative that we invest in nuclear energy in addition to solar, wind, and battery storage. Nuclear is a clean, carbon-free, baseload energy source that, when produced on American soil, will create good-paying jobs and secure our energy independence,” said Rep. Clyburn. “This important resolution crystalizes Congress’ commitment to the future of green energy and brings us one step closer towards realizing the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of reaching 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035.”

“In the United States, we produce energy cleaner and safer than anywhere else in the world, and that includes emerging resources and innovative technologies like nuclear,” said Rep. Newhouse. “Nuclear power is a critical component of our all-of-the-above energy portfolio, creates jobs in communities like mine in Central Washington, and plays a crucial role in our leadership in reducing carbon emissions. I am proud to support this clean, renewable, baseload power.”

“South Carolina produces the third highest amount of nuclear energy in the country. We know it works. As a reliable, clean, and abundant source of energy, it provides a stable base load to complement intermittent renewables and reduces our reliance on foreign energy sources,” said Rep. Mace. “With this resolution, Congress reaffirms its commitment to an ‘all of the above’ strategy to address our country’s energy needs.”

“Expanding nuclear is a critical component in helping us increase energy independence and achieve a cleaner energy future,” said Rep. Salazar.

“Conserving the environment and safeguarding America’s energy independence go hand in hand,” said Rep. Luna. “I’m proud to support nuclear energy as the path forward for a clean and strong America.”

“I believe nuclear energy is the key to true energy independence and sustainable energy in the United States,” said Rep. Edwards. “I’m pleased to cosponsor this bipartisan resolution to send a strong message that nuclear energy must be prioritized as a clean energy source for our country.”

Representative Fleischmann is an original cosponsor of H.Con.Res.26. Other original cosponsors include Representatives Foster (D-IL); Edwards (R-NC); Clyburn (D-SC); Nehls (R-TX); Luna (R-FL); Williams (R-NY); Mace (R-SC); Salazar (R-FL); Posey (R-FL); Newhouse (R-WA); Deluzio (D-PA); Lamborn (R-CO); and Kean Jr. (R-NJ).


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://fleischmann.house.gov/media/press-releases/fleischmann-co-leads-bipartisan-national-commitment-to-support-nuclear-energy