First Lady Maria Lee Invites Students to Serve Their Communities This Summer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Today, Tennessee First Lady Maria Lee announced the fifth annual Tennessee Kids Serve Summer Challenge, which encourages students from across the state to get involved in their communities by serving others throughout their summer break.

The challenge, which is part of First Lady Maria Lee’s Tennessee Serves initiative, is open to rising kindergarteners through rising sixth graders from June 1 to August 1.

“My passion for service started at a young age watching the example my parents set of serving others,” said First Lady Maria Lee. “We believe our young Tennesseans possess the tremendous potential to make long-lasting impacts on their neighbors through service, and it’s our hope that this challenge will help raise up Tennessee’s next great generation of volunteers.”

To fulfill the challenge requirements, participants must complete one activity in two of the eight service categories and meet a two-hour service minimum. Students who complete the challenge will be invited to join the Governor and First Lady for a carnival at the Tennessee Residence in September.

Since launching the summer challenge in 2019, more than 1,100 kids from across the state have participated, serving 4,511 collective hours in their communities.

Parents and guardians can register their child and find additional information about the challenge on the First Lady’s website.


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