Congresswoman Harshbarger Releases Statement on the Unjust Trump Trial Verdict

Kingsport, TN - Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger released the following statement on the verdict in the trial of President Donald Trump:

"A heartbreaking day for our beloved nation. The conviction of President Trump is an absolute travesty and a stain on our justice system. This verdict is not just an attack on President Trump; it is an attack on every American who believes in fairness and justice.

The Biden administration and the radical left have crossed a line. 

They have weaponized our legal system in a desperate attempt to prevent President Trump from returning to the White House. This is not justice; this is political persecution. It’s clear election interference, plain and simple.

I stand with President Trump and all true American Patriots who know he did nothing wrong. We will not let this injustice stand. We will fight to restore justice, and President Trump will be back, stronger than ever."


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