Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger Introduces Life .Gov Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger, a strong pro-life advocate and co-chair of the Congressional Family Caucus, introduced the Life .Gov Act, a bill which will support the creation of a first-of-its-kind website that would provide information on local resources available to those who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, as well as expectant mothers and families.

While there are privately-run directories that provide information to expectant families, they are independent efforts with limited resources themselves. With no net cost to the federal government, the implementation of this legislation would allow for the government's resources and other local assistance programs to be readily accessible to mothers and families in need.

Additionally, this bill would provide a grant program for states to establish and support efforts to organize resources for expecting mothers online. The bill explicitly prohibits organizations that perform or promote abortion from receiving grant funding or having any resources included on the website.

Resources for expectant mothers would include, but are not limited to: adoption information and services, alternatives to abortion, breastfeeding information, childcare and family leave assistance, foster care information, legal support, housing support, OB-GYN and other health care services, fetal development resources, substance abuse recovery, mental health services, transportation support, and tax preparation. 

"No mother should ever feel left behind, unsupported, or fear for the future of their child," said Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger. "The Life .Gov Act is a critical government commitment to provide expecting mothers and families with access to resources that will help ensure their child will have a healthy birth and wholesome childhood. I am honored to introduce legislation that will increase access to care for expecting mothers, our children, and promoting life as the clear choice for our future families."

The Life .Gov Act has broad support amongst pro-life organizations, including Concerned Women for American LAC, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Students for Life Action, Americans United for Life, National Right to Life Committee, March for Life Action, Abortion Survivors Network, and Heritage Action.

“Women facing an unexpected pregnancy need information and they need resources to know they are not alone and have the ability choose life,” said Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization. “Life .Gov will be a one-stop-shop listing everything from the local pregnancy resource centers, to food and nutrition assistance, education opportunities, and adoption and legal services. We are delighted Rep. Harshbarger has championed this legislation and will work to help gain widespread support for women.”

“No mother should ever feel alone when she faces an unplanned pregnancy. There are thousands of pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and other organizations nationwide that stand ready to provide hope and encouragement as well as vital material, medical, and educational support to millions of families each year. We thank Representative Harshbarger and her colleagues for supporting mothers in need by working to get them access to these critical life-affirming resources.” –Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, Vice President of Government Affairs for SBA Pro-Life America.

“Many people who advocate for abortion claim the pro-life movement does not care about the woman in the unexpected pregnancy nor the child after they are born. This is clearly far from the truth. The Life .Gov Act would give all mothers who find themselves in unexpected pregnancies access to affirming resources, both private resources supported by the pro-life movement and governmental resources, available in their community and state. According to the Guttmacher Institute - the think tank formally affiliated with Planned Parenthood - 64% of women who seek abortion felt pressured or forced into an abortion. The Life .Gov Act is one way to greatly reduce the number of abortions and traumatized mothers who thought they had no other option than to end the life of their own child.” –Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action.

Joining Congresswoman Harshbarger in introducing the Life .Gov Act are Representatives Mary Miller (R-IL), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Brian Babin (R-TX), Andy Harris (R-MD), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Jack Bergman (R-MI), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Jim Banks (R-IN), Rich McCormick (R-GA), Bob Latta (R-OH), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Ralph Norman (R-SC), Mike Bost (R-IL), Andy Ogles (R-TN), Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and George Santos (R-NY).

A summary of the bill can be found here.

Full bill text can be found here.

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