Congressman Ogles Introduces 'No Juicing Joe Act' In Response to Biden's 'Decline On Full Display'

By: Jamie Joseph

First On Fox: The

"Frequently slurred speech, abnormally long pauses, and the inability to string together five words in a coherent sentence have put Biden’s mental and physical decline on full display," he said. "It is unfair to the American people for the White House to be occupied by someone who is literally incapable of speaking."

Ogles said his bill — the No Juicing Joe Act — came about because the White House "has refused" to test Biden's cognitive abilities "because they know he will fail miserably." Biden is scheduled to debate former President Trump, the GOP nominee, later this month.

The president, whose office is the most powerful on earth, must be accountable to the people, and it's Congress's duty to ensure accountability," Ogles said.


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