Congressman Kustoff Speaks at 100 Day Candlelight Vigil with Israeli Hostage Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) spoke at a candlelight vigil with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and family members of those held hostage by Hamas to mark 100 days since the horrific attack on Israel. 

Congressman Kustoff said in part, "Today, 136 innocent hostages still remain in Hamas’ captivity in Gaza, enduring unthinkable torture and trauma. To the families of the hostages here today and elsewhere — our hearts ache with yours. We will not rest until every single one of your loved ones return home. To the hostages — we are waiting for you, and we are fighting for you each and every day until you come home. The United States must continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with our strongest ally in the Middle East, and we will always support Israel in her efforts to eradicate Hamas and bring all of the hostages home safely. Today, we can all say with one, unified voice: it’s time to bring them all home."

Click here to watch Congressman Kustoff's full remarks. 


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