Congressman Fleischmann’s Eastern Band of Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act Passes House

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03) released the following after his bill H.R. 548, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act, passed the United States House of Representatives by a unanimous voice vote.

“For the fourth Congress in a row, the House passed my bill to return 76.1 acres of sacred land to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians – correcting a historic wrong when the federal government forcibly took their land. It is on these 76 sacred acres the Cherokee People have honored the birth and life of Sequoyah, one of the most influential and important Native Americans to have lived. It is essential that the land is returned to the Eastern Band of Cherokee, so the legacy of Sequoyah and the Eastern Band is taught for generations to come,” said Rep. Fleischmann. “I hope my colleagues in the Senate recognize the crucial importance of returning and preserving this sacred land and act quickly to send the bill to President Biden for his signature.”

“Sequoyah was a statesman, diplomat, and seminal leader who contributed so much to help the Cherokee people. We look forward to protecting and preserving this monument to his legacy for generations to come,” said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Principal Chief Richard G. Sneed.

In detail, H.R. 548, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act, will:

  • Impact 76.1 acres of specified lands along the Little Tennessee River and Tellico Reservoir in Monroe County;
  • Include lands from the Tanasi Memorial, Chota Memorial, Sequoyah Museum, and lands to administer support for these cultural programs and properties;
  • Place these lands into trust for the benefit of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act was introduced into the 118th Congress by Rep. Fleischmann on January 26, 2023, and it passed the House unanimously by voice. Previously, the bill was introduced as H.R. 2088 in the 117th Congress and passed the House by a 407-16 vote. The bill was introduced in the 116th Congress as H.R. 453 and passed unanimously by voice vote. In the 115th Congress, the bill was introduced as H.R. 146 and passed by a 383-2 vote.


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