Congressman Fleischmann Announces New Chief of Staff

Washington, DC – Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03) released the following statement announcing the hiring of Daniel Tidwell as his Chief of Staff.

“I am very pleased to announce that Daniel Tidwell will serve as my new Chief of Staff. Daniel has served on my staff for seven years as my Legislative Director and has shown time and time again that he is the best person to serve as my Chief of Staff,” said Congressman Fleischmann. “Throughout his time working for me, Daniel has shown his devotion to the people of Tennessee’s Third Congressional District and to public service. I am proud to have him as my Chief of Staff, and I know that he, and my entire staff, will continue to work hard for my constituents.”

“I also want to thank my outgoing Chief of Staff, Jim Hippe, for his service. Jim worked for me for over 12 years; before that, he was an invaluable member of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s staff. Jim has left a record of public service to TN-03 and our entire state that is unmatched. I wish him the best in his retirement and thank him for his over 20 years of service to Tennessee and America.”


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