Congressman Burchett will not take salary during government shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Sept. 20, 2023) Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) announced he will not accept a salary during a government shutdown.  

“A government shutdown is right around the corner, yet our leaders fail to act. Now we are going to punish hardworking Americans and once again exempt Congress. This is unacceptable. If we go into a shutdown I refuse to be paid until it’s over.” said Rep. Burchett.  

September 30 marks the end of FY2023. If Congress does not pass its 12 appropriations bills or a continuing resolution by then, non-essential federal services and agencies will shut down.  

In the event of a government shutdown, Rep. Burchett will send a letter to the Clerk of the House requesting his pay be withheld for the duration of the shutdown.  

This is the second time Rep. Burchett will refuse to take a salary. In 2019, he requested the Clerk of the House withhold his salary when he first came to Congress in the middle of a government shutdown. 

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