Congressman Andy Ogles Introduces First Bill: The Inflation Reduction Act of 2023 to Repeal Democrats’ Record Spending

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-5) introduced his first bill since being sworn into office, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2023. This legislation would reduce inflation by repealing the Democrats’ so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

“Last Congress, President Biden and his House Democrat colleagues shoved through countless spending measures to further their woke ‘green agenda’, including the ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’” said Congressman Ogles. “Instead of creating any positive change for Americans facing record-breaking economic challenges, Leftists opted to increase federal spending and the deficit - by at least $110 billion dollars through 2031 - in order to advance their personal political agendas.”

While Americans were spending their hard-earned dollars at the pump, Democrats were passing tax increases on coal, oil, and natural gas, further driving up fuel and energy prices. Congressman Ogles’ bill would repeal these outrageous spending measures and put the money back where it belongs–in the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.

“Democrats' so-called Inflation Reduction Act is an absolute disaster. It massively expanded subsidies for grid-destroying forms of energy, took a gigantic step toward socialized medicine, and empowered the IRS to hire 87,000 agents to go after the American people. I called for its repeal immediately after its passage and am proud to cosponsor my friend Rep. Ogles' bill that would do just that,” said Congressman Chip Roy, (TX-21).

“The Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 did nothing to reduce inflation. It made inflation worse and further exacerbated our debt crisis. I am proud to support the Inflation Reduction Act of 2023 that rescinds Biden's $739 billion boondoggle that does nothing to decrease the historically high inflation-crushing working-class families. The days of out-of-control spending in Congress are over under the new Republican majority. It is time to get our fiscal house in order,” said Congressman Byron Donalds, (FL-19). 

“The ill-named “Inflation Reduction Act” is nothing but another reckless, high-tax spending bill that the Biden administration is forcing on Americans who are already crushed by skyrocketing prices. American families should not be footing the bill for Biden’s radical pet projects and weaponized federal agencies, and deserve an actual plan to fight inflation, not escalate it. That’s why I’m standing with Rep. Ogles to repeal this atrocious bill,” said Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna, (FL-13).

“As the people of Oklahoma can tell you, Democrats’ so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ has done nothing to lower their gas prices, electricity, or grocery bills. Instead of actually tackling inflation, Democrats spent hundreds of billions of dollars on Green New Deal subsidies and increased taxes on coal, oil, and natural gas. Meanwhile, the American people are stuck footing the bill. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2023—legislation that will repeal Democrats’ bogus bill so we can actually solve America’s inflation crisis,” said Congressman Josh Brecheen, (OK-02).

“By repealing President Biden’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, taxpayers will no longer have to dish out $80 billion to the IRS, $3 billion for a fleet of electric postal trucks, and $369 billion in Green New Deal giveaways. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2023 will actually lower the cost of living, contrary to the Democrats’ Inflation Acceleration Act of 2022,”said Congressman Tom Tiffany, (WI-07).

“For two years, President Biden's agenda has punished Americans. The ‘Inflation and IRS Expansion Act’ raises taxes, imposes radical new energy policies, and weaponizes the IRS against the American people. Thank you to Rep. Ogles for his leadership in proposing a repeal of every letter of the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’” said Congressman Bob Good, (VA-05).

“Rep. Ogles’ Inflation Reduction Act of 2023 would actually help reduce inflation and improve the country’s fiscal outlook, unlike the so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 it repeals.” – Jim Carter, Director of the AFPI’s Center for American Prosperity 

“The Inflation Reduction Act included hundreds of billions of dollars of wasteful spending, special interest handouts, budget gimmicks, and tax increases. Repealing the law would undo harmful government overreach and move away from misguided tax-and-spend social engineering schemes that have failed American taxpayers. Americans for Prosperity supports this commonsense legislation.” - Brent Gardner, AFP Chief Government Affairs Officer

"Last year, Democrats in Washington pushed through yet another tax-and-spend scam, mislabeling it the “Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).” Not only did it fail to significantly reduce inflation, it further increased prices. In the last two years, the government has spent, borrowed and printed trillions of dollars while also hamstringing production in the economy. Congressman Ogles's bill to repeal the IRA and rescind unused funds is a strong stand against the Left’s effort to bloat the federal government at the expense of U.S. taxpayers."- Jessica Anderson, Executive Director of Heritage Action

Cosponsors (20): Reps. Scott Perry [PA-10], Andy Biggs [AZ-05], Mary Miller [IL-15], Ronny Jackson [TX-13], Eric Burlison [MO-07], Bob Good [VA-05], Anna Luna [FL-13], Byron Donalds [FL-19], Josh Brecheen [OK-02], Dan Bishop [NC-08], Matt Rosendale [MT-02], Keith Self [TX-03], Chip Roy [TX-21], Eli Crane [AZ-02], David Rouzer [NC-07], Tom Tiffany [WI-07], Ryan Zinke [MT-01], Harriet Hageman [WY], Michael Cloud [TX-27], and Ken Buck [CO-04].

Supporting Groups: Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, Club for Growth, AFPI, Heritage Action

Click here to read the text of the bill.

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