Community Servant Flo Bellamy Honored with Congressional Record

Heritage Hall saw a packed crowd as community members came out to honor their mentor and friend, Johnson County Community Center Director Flo Bellamy. Bellamy was awarded the highest honor of a Congressional Record. In attendance to present the award was Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger.

“It is my honor to honor this woman who has given so much for others,” said Harshbarger.

Bellamy received the award for her many years of dedication and unwavering service to her community.

“We need a Flo in every county, every city, every town across this nation,” said Harshbarger. “That’s what makes a town, what makes a community when you have someone who pours their life into your loved ones.”

Bellamy is considered the cornerstone of the community by many. Harshbarger explained that if she could describe Flo in one word, she would use the word ‘cornerstone.’

“The more I travel around, the more I hear the name, Flo, I realize that this woman means so much to so many.”

Many of Flo’s attributes were mentioned during the ceremony, and in every instance, her unwavering love for residents was exemplified. Not only were examples shared of how she helped build the community center and the cancer programs in Mountain City, but more poignant were the stories of how she touched an individual’s heart.

There was not a dry eye in the auditorium as people expressed their admiration and love for Flo. One young man stepped up to the microphone and said, “Miss Flo treats all of us kids at the community center equally and fairly with lots of love.

Love seemed to be the theme of the evening as adults came to the stage and expressed how Flo touched their lives and helped them become adults she could be proud of.

“Flo is amazing,” said Cliff Mahala, Vice President of Farmer’s State Bank. “I speak for everyone here, and we love you, and we are so thankful for all you do for our kids, for the cancer survivors, for the encouragement you give.”

The Bellamy family was in attendance to share in the honor bestowed on their beloved sister. Flo’s older brother, Paul, described the Bellamy family as a loving, community-oriented family whose parents instilled the values of caring for others and giving back to the community.

“There were thirteen of us," said Paul. "My mom and dad always encouraged service to others." While discussing the impact Flo has made on many of the young people she cared for at the community center, Paul said, “Mountain City is a small town, but family-oriented, and I run into Flo’s kids, they say ‘Flo is like a mother to me.’”

The theme of the love a mother extolls to her family was reiterated by Congresswoman Harshbarger.

“You have made a profound impact,” said Harshbarger. “ You are the fundraiser, the caregiver, the encourager, the giver of discipline. That’s what a momma and grandmother do- they are living examples.”

While all the gratitude of so many in the community was bestowed on Flo during the ceremony, Flo modestly credits her lifetime achievements to God, her family, and the community.

“I am so thankful and blessed for such a caring community,” said Flo. “Everything we do is because of you. So, applaud yourselves. I give thanks to you. Hopefully, we have made mom and dad proud.”

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