Chairman Green on Senate Border Deal: "I Will Vehemently Oppose Any Agreement that Legitimizes, Normalizes any Level of Illegal Immigration

Chairman Green on Senate Border Deal: "I Will Vehemently Oppose Any Agreement that Legitimizes, Normalizes any Level of Illegal Immigration 

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) issued the following statement after text of a long-reported border deal negotiated in the Senate was released:

“While my staff and I are reviewing this legislation, I join Speaker Johnson in opposing any new agreement that fails to eliminate the perverse incentives Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas created through his unlawful agenda of mass catch-and-release and his refusal to remove those with no lawful basis to remain in the country.

“In particular, I will vehemently oppose any agreement that legitimizes or normalizes any level of illegal immigration. Congress, with bipartisan majorities, has given the executive branch every authority it needs to enforce the law and secure the border. Those majorities mandated the detention and removal of inadmissible aliens, with the use of parole under very limited and exceptional circumstances. Additional carveouts will only be further exploited by criminal cartelsand lawless officials like Secretary Mayorkas. We must end this historic border crisisnot by legislative ‘feel-good’ efforts, but by enforcing the law.”


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