Chairman Fleischmann’s FY25 Energy and Water Bill Passes out of Subcommittee

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03), Chairman of the House Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Subcommittee, held a subcommittee markup to consider the Fiscal Year 2025 Energy and Water bill. The subcommittee approved the bill, a critical step towards enacting Chairman Fleischmann’s bill into law. The FY25 Energy and Water bill makes strong investments to strengthen America’s national security and energy independence while cutting wasteful, unnecessary federal spending and holding the Biden Administration accountable for their actions that have weakened energy independence and national security.

Energy and Water Appropriations Chairman Chuck Fleischmann delivered the following remarks during the subcommittee markup, “We are at a pivotal moment in the development of nuclear energy technologies in the United States—the success of which are critical to regaining international dominance in the nuclear market and for our own domestic energy security.

"We cannot cede leadership in nuclear energy to China and Russia. We must successfully demonstrate advanced reactors for commercial deployment here in the U.S...

"The Fossil Energy and Carbon Management account includes one of the largest investments focused on mining production technologies for critical minerals extraction in decades. These investments are essential to secure our domestic supply chain and reduce reliance on foreign sources...

"The bill includes provisions aimed at countering Biden Administration actions that would stifle the private sector and exacerbate inflation. The bill prohibits modifications to Corps of Engineers nationwide permits critical for oil and gas development and stops DOE’s mandate to phase out fossil fuel use at federal buildings. The bill also rejects the Biden Administration’s harmful pause on LNG exports by removing the Department of Energy’s role in the LNG export application review process—a position that has bipartisan support."

Full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are available here.

Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole delivered the following remarks in support of Rep. Fleischmann’s bill, “First, the bill fully funds the Army Corps of Engineers, which conducts civil water engineering projects. The Army Corps is responsible for projects ranging from harbors, rivers, wetlands, dams, and port facilities across the United States. They play a critical role in flood protection and mitigation operations, as well as maintaining navigable waters.

"Second, the bill funds our nuclear infrastructure, both on the defense side and non-defense side. By making critical investments in nuclear power research, we are helping to develop efficient energy sources for tomorrow. House Republicans will continue to promote an all-of-the-above energy approach that lowers prices for families and upholds America's security and position as a global leader.

"It’s a strong measure that reinforces the defense, economy, and energy and navigation sectors of the United States."

Full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are available here.

FY25 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill Key Takeaways

  • Bolsters America’s national security by upholding the nation’s nuclear deterrent posture, including:
    • $20.339 billion for the continued modernization of the nuclear weapons stockpile and infrastructure.
    • $2.119 billion to support the operational nuclear naval fleet, Columbia-class submarine reactor development, and research and development for current and future generations of nuclear-powered warships.
    • $2.445 billion n to reduce the danger of hostile nations or terrorist groups acquiring nuclear devices, radiological dispersal devices, weapons-usable material, and nuclear expertise.
  • Strengthens our energy security and the national economy by:
    • Robustly funding small modular reactor and advanced reactor demonstration projects, key to regaining international dominance in the nuclear market.
    • Supporting one of the largest investments specifically focused on mining production technologies for critical minerals extraction in decades, reducing reliance on foreign sources.
    • Rejecting the Biden Administration’s harmful pause on new LNG exports by removing the Department of Energy’s role in the LNG export application review process.
    • Prohibiting modifications to Corps of Engineers nationwide permits critical for oil and gas development.

A full summary of the bill is available here.

Bill text is available here.


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