Chairman Fleischmann Named to Influential Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03), Chairman of the Energy and Water Subcommittee of Appropriations, was named to the powerful Defense Appropriations Subcommittee responsible for funding America’s military and national defense. In addition to serving as Chairman of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee and serving on Defense Appropriations, Chairman Fleischmann is a senior member of the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations Subcommittee and is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and serves on the Energy Subcommittee.

“I am very pleased to appoint Congressman Fleischmann to the Defense Subcommittee,” said House Committee on Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole. I have served with Chuck for over a decade on the Appropriations Committee, and I know he will bring his strong conservative values to the subcommittee as we fight to ensure that America’s military has the tools and resources it needs to protect the United States and our citizens. His dedication and knowledge will greatly support us as we build a responsible fiscal path forward.”

“I’m honored to be named to serve on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. I want to thank Chairman Cole and all my colleagues for their confidence and strong support. There is no more important task than ensuring that America’s military and defenses are strong and second to none in the world. I am committed to providing the necessary tools and resources so the men and women of our armed forces can carry out their mission to protect America and our freedoms and liberties,” said Congressman Fleischmann.

“As the world continues to become more dangerous and our adversaries become more emboldened, it’s absolutely critical for our safety and the peace of the world that America remains strong and militarily ready to respond to any aggression against ourselves or our allies. As a proud Constitutional Conservative and Ronald Reagan Republican, I believe in the doctrine of ‘peace through strength’ that has been proven time and time again throughout our history to be the only way to ensure peace and security. We must continue revitalizing our nation’s nuclear deterrent, investing in modernizing our armed forces, expanding our defense industrial base, and ensuring that our troops have every single tool and resource to protect America and our national interests.

“America’s Republican House Appropriations majority is committed to building up our military and making America strong again. I will continue to fight for our conservative Tennessee Volunteer Spirit and values, which include a strong military that’s ready at a moment’s notice to protect our nation, our citizens, and our interests around the world.”


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