Chairman Chuck Fleischmann Leads Energy and Water Appropriations Hearing on Department of Energy’s Budget Request

Washington, DC – Today, Energy and Water Appropriations Chairman Chuck Fleischmann led the hearing for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) fiscal year 2025 budget request. In his opening remarks, Chairman Fleischmann highlighted the critical wins from his fiscal year 2024 Energy and Water bill that provided historic levels of funding for American-made domestic nuclear energy and advocated for his priorities for fiscal year 2025 to build on the important progress

Click HERE to watch Chairman Fleischmann’sopening remarks.

Chairman Fleischmann’s opening remarks as prepared for delivery:

“The hearing will come to order.

“It is my pleasure to welcome Secretary Jennifer Granholm to the Energy and Water Subcommittee this morning to discuss the fiscal year 2025 budget request for the Department of Energy. It’s always a pleasure to see you, Madam Secretary, and to discuss the important work of the Department of Energy.

“The DOE’s fiscal year 2025 budget request is a total program level of approximately $52 billion, an increase of $1.8 billion above the fiscal year 2024 Act. I strongly support many of the programs and activities of the Department of Energy.

For example, our nation’s strategic defense rests on a strong nuclear deterrent. So, I was pleased to see that the budget request proposes increased funding for the National Nuclear Security Administration. The request would continue funding for the Uranium Processing Facility in my home district in East Tennessee, as well as plutonium pit production, ongoing life extension programs, the Sea-Launched Cruise Missile-Nuclear, and a new variant of the B-61 gravity bomb.

“We will work with the Administration today and over the coming weeks to determine whether the request represents sufficient funding and appropriate prioritization for the continued modernization of our nuclear weapons complex.

“Another high priority for me is the Office of Science. I worked hard to secure increased funding in the FY24 Act, one of the few non-defense increases across the Department. A strong Office of Science is critical to America’s role as the global leader in scientific discovery.

"Madam Secretary, I look forward to discussing with you today how the request addresses activities related to fusion energy and isotopes in particular.

"Unfortunately, I also have concerns with some of the Biden Administration’s priorities expressed in the fiscal year 2025 budget request and through other actions of the Department.

"The Department of Energy is sitting on tens of billions of unobligated dollars intended to advance a variety of energy technologies. Yet rather than focusing on the effective implementation of those existing programs, the budget request again proposes many new programs, including disproportionate and unsustainable increases for energy efficiency and renewable energy activities.

"The Administration again has highlighted clean energy and climate change goals as key drivers of the budget request. Nuclear energy – a baseload, carbon-free source of electricity – will be essential in achieving any climate change goals. Yet the Nuclear Energy program is one of the only cuts proposed in the budget request. Especially concerning is that the request includes no funding for the two ongoing advanced reactor demonstration projects. We know those projects will need additional funding, and it would be better project management to continue incremental funding each year.

"Some of the Department’s actions also raise concerns about energy security for America and for our allies. Numerous energy efficiency standards have been proposed at such extreme levels as to significantly increase prices for consumers and cause supply concerns.

"I was pleased to see the Department backtrack on the gas stoves rule, and I hope to see a similar adjustment to reality on the distribution transformers and manufactured housing rules.

"The Department’s recent pause on reviewing pending LNG export applications is also a serious concern. I hope we will have the chance today to discuss some of these actions in more detail.

"Secretary Granholm, I appreciate you being here today to explain your budget request. I look forward to working together with you and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to move forward a budget that will strengthen our national security and advance our energy independence."


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