Chair Green’s Bill to Protect Open Source Software Passes Out of Committee


Chair Green’s Bill to Protect Open Source Software Passes Out of Committee 

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mark Green released the following statement after his bipartisan and bicameral legislation to protect the software of American businesses passed out of the Homeland Security Committee:

“I appreciate the Committee’s support of my bill, the Securing Open Source Software Act of 2023. My legislation addresses the vulnerabilities identified by the Log4j vulnerability disclosure, which showcased the risks that open source software can introduce to our networks and digital assets. This bipartisan, bicameral effort is critical to improving how the Federal government manages the risk of using open source software, the bedrock of our digital ecosystem.”

Rep. Green continued: “Shoring up our cybersecurity is crucial, not just for government agencies, but for businesses as well. This legislation will allow the federal government to lead by example when it comes to open source software security. We should ensure the federal government, one of the largest consumers of open source software, manages its own risk to ensure our national security information and individual Americans’ data is protected. My legislation seeks to bolster the federal government’s defense against dangerous cyberattacks.”

You can watch Rep. Green’s opening statement at the markup here

You can read more about the bill here. 


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