By the Numbers: Rep. Rose Highlights House Republicans’ Oversight of Biden Admin

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Friday to highlight a few statistics, showing the oversight efforts of the 118th Congress so far.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, I rise today to recognize the 118th Congress for restoring the oversight function of the House. Since winning the majority, House Republicans have held 565 oversight hearings, compelled Biden officials to testify 561 times, sent 862 letters to the administration, and issued 45 subpoenas. And we’re just getting started!

Our founders never intended for a president to be able to bypass congress through executive action, like forgiving more than $400 billion in loan debt with the stoke of a pen. They never intended for a federal agency to be able to circumvent the people’s representatives and use their regulatory authority to advance so-called progressive ideas.

The judicial branch is doing its part to curb the rogue – often unconstitutional – actions of this president. But the American people can count on this half of the legislative branch to conduct its critical oversight function, just as our founders intended.

You can watch the speech here.

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