Burchett votes for Defense appropriations bill

WASHINGTON, D.C., (June 28, 2024) – Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett voted in favor of H.R. 8774, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act

“This bill takes care of our troops by boosting their pay and improving their benefits. It makes cuts in areas of wasteful spending while maintaining our defense capabilities and supporting our foreign allies. It also gets rid of a lot of liberal garbage like DEI offices, climate change initiatives, and funding for abortion expenses.” Said Rep. Burchett.

H.R. 8774:

  • Provides a 4.5% pay raise for all military personnel and funds an additional 15% pay increase for junior enlisted servicemembers.
  • Prohibits funding for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offices and cuts $53 million from the President’s Budget Request for DEI initiatives. 
  • Prohibits promotion of Critical Race Theory.
  • Prohibits funds for abortion-related expenses, including travel.
  • Allocates $1.14 billion for drug interdiction and counterdrug activities.

The full text H.R. 8774 can be found here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://burchett.house.gov/media/press-releases/burchett-votes-defense-appropriations-bill