Burchett resolution defending IDF against UN condemnation passes committee

WASHINGTON, D.C., (July 10, 2024) – Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02)’s resolution defending the Israel Defense Force passed through the House Foreign Affairs Committee by voice vote.

H.Res. 1323 rejects the United Nations decision to place the Israel Defense Force (IDF) on a list of child’s rights abusers. This bill is a bipartisan resolution introduced alongside Reps. Jared Moskowitz (FL-23)Mike Lawler (NY-17), and Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05).


On June 13, 2024, the United Nations published its Secretary-General Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict. The report named the IDF alongside groups such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Al-Shabaab in Somalia, and the Yemen Armed Forces as groups that committed abuses against children.

H.Res. 1323 rejects the United Nations decision to place the Israel Defense Force on the list of child’s rights abusers, condemns the United Nations longstanding bias against Israel, reaffirms support for the States of Israel, and calls on Hamas to free all remaining hostages. It also includes:

  • The fact that Hamas has committed many war crimes, including against innocent civilians;
  • Hamas’s use of civilians and civilian infrastructure as human shields;
  • The fact that Hamas’s Chief in Gaza stated civilian Palestinian casualties are a deliberate strategy;
  • The fact the United Nations continues to refuse to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization;
  • The fact the United Nations routinely relies on Hamas-supplied casualties for its reports, and at one point halved its count of Palestinian women and children killed in Gaza following criticism over the lack of verification over Hamas-supplied data.
  • The fact that the IDF has taken unprecedented precautions to prevent harm to civilians.

The full text of H.Res. 1323 can be found here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://burchett.house.gov/media/press-releases/burchett-resolution-defending-idf-against-un-condemnation-passes-committee