Bluff City Child Honored For Saving His Family and Others From Apartment Fire

BLUFF CITY, Tenn. — Some drawings, melted lights, and other smoked damaged items are all that remains in the Briggs' family apartment. This after a fire destroyed nearly everything the family owned last weekend.

"I can call him nothing else but my superhero. He saved the day," said David Briggs.

The hero David is referring to, his four-year-old son Rico. The David and his wife Moriah say that Rico fell asleep watching a movie the night before on the couch. In the middle of the night Rico said he woke up.

Rico said, "smoke was coming out from under the door."

Rico's entire room was on fire.

Rico then went and woke up his mom and little brother.

Rico's mom Moriah said, "I remember my son jumping on me and saying the whole house is on fire. When I opened my eyes all I could see was smoke, and it was the scariest moment of my life."

Because of his actions, Moriah was able to get her boys out, and alert the other tenants to fire. Getting everyone evacuated safely.

Brandon Hicks is a firefighter for the Bluff City Volunteer Fire Department. He worked the call, and said you could tell that Rico had been taught fire safety.

"As young as he is, he could have panicked, but it was pretty obvious they had been preaching that to him, that’s probably what saved that family is his knowledge," said Hicks.

David Briggs says he and his family are thankful Rico fell asleep on the couch that night.

On Saturday August 26, 2023, many gathered in the Town of Bluff City to honor Rico, while also raising money for the Brigg's family.

"We here in Bluff City and the entire community work hard to take care of one another," says Bluff City Mayor Jeff Broyles

Mayor Broyles declared August 26th Rico Briggs day in Bluff City.

"To wrap our arms around the family in this tough time, but you know most importantly to recognize the heroism of Rico Briggs," said Broyles.

Rico also received special honors from another guest too. Tennessee congresswoman Diana Harshbarger made an appearance to present Rico with a congressional record, which will be read in front of the House of Representatives.

"For him to wake up and know to get his momma to get out of the house, and here comes the flames right after he got out. To take down their time going down the complex’s to make sure everyone got out, to me that’s the epitome of a hero," said Harshbarger.

Fire officials stressed the importance of teaching fire safety to everyone, including young children.

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