US Rep. Chuck Fleischmann named Energy and Water Appropriations Chairman

U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann has been selected to serve a second consecutive term as Chairman of Energy and Water Appropriations.

“I am honored and humbled to be selected by my colleagues to serve a second consecutive term as Chairman of Energy and Water Appropriations. We are at a critical moment in American history where we must continue to make investments in our nation’s water infrastructure systems and seize the moment to expand civil nuclear energy nationwide, invest in new nuclear technologies, revitalize our defense industrial base after decades of decline, and unleash all forms of American-made energy to make our country energy independent again so that we can strengthen our economy, and lower prices for families and workers,” said Chairman Fleischmann.

In addition to serving as Chairman of Energy and Water Appropriations, Rep. Fleischmann is also chairing the following energy-related Congressional Caucuses:

  • American Energy Dominance Caucus: Co-Chairman
  • Nuclear Cleanup Caucus: Co-Chairman
  • Tennessee Valley Corridor Caucus: Co-Chairman
  • Fusion Energy Caucus: Co-Chairman
  • National Labs Caucus: Co-Chairman
  • Advanced Nuclear Caucus: Co-Chairman
  • Nuclear Security Working Group: Co-Chairman
  • Spent Nuclear Fuel Solutions Caucus: Co-Chairman

“In my second term as Energy and Water Appropriations Chairman, I plan on building on the historic work my colleagues and I accomplished to invest in America’s waterways infrastructure and make our nation the world leader in new nuclear technologies that are essential to strengthening our energy and national security and powering our economy through the 21st Century. I look forward to working closely with President Trump’s Administration and my Senate colleagues to deliver on the American People’s mandate to unleash American-made energy and make smart investments to improve our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. We have a lot of work to do, and I am ready as Chairman of Energy and Water Appropriations to deliver for Tennesseans and the American People.”

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