Rep. Ogles’ Statement on Tragic DCA Plane Crash

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles issued the following statement:

“Last night’s horrific tragedy marked the deadliest plane crash since 9/11. My heart and prayers go out to the souls lost and their loved ones. I am tremendously grateful for the tireless efforts of the first responders who continue search and recovery operations to bring closure to the victims’ families.

It is critical that we determine where the failure occurred to make certain this never happens again. Whether the cause was human error, equipment failure, inadequate training and communication, DEI-driven policies, or a combination of these factors, I stand with President Trump in demanding full investigations at every level until we have the answers. As President Trump highlighted earlier today, there were 503 “significant” air traffic control lapses in 2023 alone—a consequence of the Biden and Obama administrations’ dereliction of duty in ensuring the most qualified individuals hold these positions, jeopardizing the safety of the American flying public.

Enough is enough. We must restore the highest possible standards across every department, agency, and industry—especially when lives are at stake. No more negligence. No more political agendas. Just the best and brightest protecting the safety and well-being of the American people.”


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