FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 4th, 2025
CONTACT: Emma Settle, (202) 225-4311
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles introduced the End The Deep State Act, which attempts to codify President Trump’s critical executive order to restore accountability to the Federal workforce. This legislation classifies federal employees who hold policy-centered roles as “Schedule Policy/Career” employees. This ensures that the President is able to remove federal workers who intentionally undermine the President’s policy goals. This legislation also repeals a Biden-introduced rule protecting insubordinate employees from losing civil service status.
“My legislation will put an end to the sabotage carried out by left-leaning, progressive federal employees against President Trump and his administration. For far too long, insubordinate and underperforming bureaucrats have been shielded by the Uniparty in Washington, as career officials too often work to obstruct an America First agenda. My bill codifies the President’s executive order to hold these employees accountable and safeguard President Trump’s constitutional authority to shape the Executive Branch as he sees fit,” Congressman Ogles said.
“The growth in power of unelected bureaucrats has come at the expense of those elected to serve. The End the Deep State Act ensures Americans get the policies they voted for, free from federal employees’ personal political bias that often goes unchecked due to the vast shield afforded to career employees. Heritage Action commends Rep. Ogles for holding federal employees accountable and leading the charge to enable the elected president to implement policy solutions.” - Ryan Walker, Heritage Action Executive Vice President.
Co-Sponsors (6): Reps. Randy Weber [TX-14], Scott Perry [PA-10], Eric Burlison [MO-07], Clay Higgins [LA-03], Lauren Boebert [CO-04], Brandon Gill [TX-26]
Supporting Groups (1): Heritage Action
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